We specialize in refinishing bathroom tubs, tile walls, tile floors, shower inserts and vanity tops for residential homes.
Our materials, process, and techniques are designed to last. We take pride in our work and your satisfaction is our goal.
Call us for a Free Consultation and Estimate
Resurfaced solid countertop to stone look.
Resurfaced cabinets and added new fixtures.
New floors, walls repainted and new mirrors.
Resurfaced tub to bright white.
Resurfaced tub insert walls to stone gray.
Resurfaced vanity to complementary colors.
Resurfaced tile walls, tub and floors to transform this bathroom.
Cracks in the tile walls, rust in the tub and filthy grout on the floor are completely transformed.
Multiple color options available.
Before Resurfacing
Tub surround resurfaced to stone gray. Vanity countertop resurfaced to match.
Tub surround resurfaced to Whitesands. Vanity countertop resurfaced to complementary style.